Jon Rose’s PMS Alert iPhone App

by The Editors on April 12, 2010

Code RedIt reads more like an April Fools joke, but according to the iTunes store surfer Jon Rose’s new Code Red menstruation charting iPhone app is the real thing.

Code Red was co-created by pro-surfer turned humanitarian Jon Rose who would return to his wife after weeks on the road unsure of where she was on her cycle, and therefore, afraid of what to expect. . . The recurring stress that always followed inspired them to find a way to help alleviate their shared aggravation over the monthly houseguest. . . “Code Red will be a life saver for thousands of guys out there,” said Kevin Harrison, Co-Creator, “Its each guys personal color coded Terror Alert System…”

And for only $1.99 in the iTunes store you too can get called a “sodding dick” every time the woman in your life looks at your phone.

[Link: iTunes via Surfline]

Clare Simpson April 12, 2010 at 11:01 pm

What a super idea. I might download this on my husbands Iphone to give him a hint

Thomas April 13, 2010 at 10:55 am

Nice, but there was already a free app for that:

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