The AI Story Everyone Is Talking About

by The Editors on November 22, 2010

AndyironsOutside Magazine has just published a Brad Melekian story titled Last Drop about Andy Irons that has everyone saying, “Whoa, gnarly.”

It is the story that the surf media would not or could not write. It does not include the toxicology reports that everyone is waiting for, but it does discuss some of the darker aspects in the life of the three time world champion.

In Last Drop Melekian quotes industry insiders including Art Brewer, Matt Warshaw, Evan Slater, and others talking about Andy’s troubles with alcohol and other substances. More importantly the story lays out a timeline for Andy’s last few days alive and talks about what could have killed him.

Despite Irons’s history of substance abuse and reports of illness, one can only speculate about what killed him, and it may be that a tragic combination of, say, dengue fever and prescription drugs did him in. Irons had been bouncing around time zones, had gone without sleep, had been drinking in Miami, and, at least according to his wife, was ill on the inbound flight to Dallas. . . Dr. Bruce Goldberger, director of toxicology at the University of Florida medical school, says combinations like this can be dangerous. “The usual doses of Ambien and Xanax are very safe, even when taken together,” he says. “But if there was an underlying medical condition like pneumonia or sleep apnea, the person would be at greater risk. Sometimes, we see deaths with perfectly healthy people when they take a small amount more of the medication than prescribed.”

Hopefully, we’ll all know more as when the reports are released.

[Link: Outside Magazine]

CHUCKnorris November 24, 2010 at 10:45 am

F*ck Outside Mags story.

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