Denver Big Air Quote Of The Week

by The Editors on January 24, 2011

Denver BigairWe mentioned the Denver Big Air contest in the past when Metro Denver Sports Commission first thought they could get people to pay $75 a head to stand out in the cold and watch a big air snowboard contest. After having lowed the price to an overpriced $45 they’re still getting grief because of the lack of big name talent in the event, according to a story on the Denver Post.

This forced USSA Competition Director Eric Webster to deliver one of the best lines we’ve heard this week:

“This is a legitimate field of skiers and snowboarders,” said competition director Eric Webster. “It’s not just people we dragged off the street.”

And that’s a bummer, because just think how entertaining this sideshow snowboard event would be if competitors were simply “dragged off the street.”

[Link: Denver Post]

45 January 24, 2011 at 8:54 am

If they were dragged off the street id we way more willing to pay the 45

Scott Brooks January 25, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Drag Eric VanAssche off the street – That kid isn’t doing anything except parking cars and would probably win it.

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