Method To The Mayhem: Matt Biolos Interview

by The Editors on March 21, 2012

Mayhem 2His boards have been dominating ASP World Tour line-ups lately, so Surfing Life Australia decided it was time to get the story straight from Matt Biolos. And as we know, conversations with Biolos are always entertaining, enlightening, and energizing. Here’s just a snip:

I really like to put a real effort into the people I am currently working with, and prefer to do them right. Kolohe is the main reason for the resurgence of my competitive shaping and he remains my primary focus. Taj called in January and asked if I would commit to his needs and whims, and if he could rely on me, and I said yes. Julian knows I am here to go the extra mile for him whenever he calls. At that level it’s hard to commit to much more than that.

Click the link for the rest.

[Link: Surfing Life]

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